
Laurie A. Conley is an illustrator who loves bringing scenes to life with both traditional and digital ink. She specializes in illustrating historical fiction and non-fiction books for kids, and also enjoys drawing whimsical haunted house portraits and other gently spooky art. Laurie earned a BFA from Syracuse University and has worked professionally for over 30 years. She and her husband live in Maryland with their youngest son in their long-time family home.
Penguin Young Readers Group
Continental Press, Inc.
Brandylane Publishers / Belle Isle Books
Chicken Scratch Books
Center for Applied Linguistics
Measured Progress
Ribbons of Red
Oxford University Press
Pearson Longman
Cornelsen Verlag (Germany)
Adventure House for Cambridge University Press
Foxbury for Harcourt School Publishers
Anthology, Inc.
The Mazer Corporation for Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Bill Smith Studio
Nazarene Publishing House
The Quarasan Group, Inc.
Monotype for Holt, Reinhart & Winston
American Red Cross